onsdag 24. mars 2010

Analyse av "worth it"

Sangen ”worth it” er en kjærlighetssang, som uttrykker en del følelser. "Worth it" betyr jo verdt det, og det er det hele sangen handler om, om forholdet deres faktisk er verdt alt sammen. Det er en gutt som prøver å fortelle noe til en jente, som han ikke helt forstår seg på. Han klarer ikke åpne seg for henne. Han holder veldig igjen. Det er noen gjentakelser i teksten, de kommer igjen i refrenget, for eksempel gjentar seg: "hvis du tror vi er verdt det, er vi verdt det". Jeg tror at det blir noen gjentakelser i refrenget fordi det er en sang. Jeg tror at sangen vil uttrykke hvordan et forhold mellom to mennesker går opp og ned noen ganger. Det gjelder å ikke gi opp når ting går litt feil vei.

Kort analyse om "worth it".

onsdag 17. mars 2010

Worth it

You say you wanna know what there’s about me
You say you wanna know my secrets to
Well I tried for years to keep some sort of distant
That is why I keep it all from you

You do things to me that I not used to
Usually I leave and you won’t know
Before it’s way too late and we can’t change it
Well it’s time for the first time I won’t go

If you think we’re worth it, we are worth it
I won’t fight it, for the first time I will see where this will end
If you think we’re worth it, we are worth it
I won’t fight it, I will be here
I’ll be here no more pretend

You ask for me to trust that you are different
What has been before, well that is not the same
And the demons of your past, you must let go of
If I’ve had enough, then leave, they are to blame

If you think we’re worth it, we are worth it
I won’t fight it, for the first time I will see where this will end
If you think we’re worth it, we are worth it
I won’t fight it, I will be here
I’ll be here no more pretend

You do things to me that I’m not used to
Usually I leave and you won’t know
Before it’s way too late and we can’t change it
Well it’s time for the first time I won’t go

If you think we’re worth it, we are worth it
I won’t fight it, for the first time I will see where this will end
If you think we’re worth it, we are worth it
I won’t fight it, I will be here
I’ll be here no more pretend

Worth it